i have to gripe.

i really hate Duane Reade.
They have a monopoly on drug stores in new york and because of that, i always have to go there for various things i need on the go like emergency lip gloss, toilet paper, diet pepsi or monsters, or a snack. whatever.
but they have the absolute worst customer service. they can't say "hello" when you get to the cashier, and heaven for bid she says "thank you"!! usually you get your change and receipt with a cold stare.
my biggest annoyance with them is using this "Rewards Card plus Debit Card"
I got so upset recently that I had to write to their customer service.
The letter will explain it all:
To Customer Service,
I have a Dueane Reade "Dollar Reward Club Plus Debit" card.
I got the card at your store on 14th st near 5th ave. about 2 years ago.
When I got the card, the guy working there was excited to tell me that this "new "card is so great because it is the only way to get cash back at Duane Reade!!!! you can make a purchase and use the DR debit card to 1) get points and 2) select "cash back" and get money. I understood that you cannot get cash back with any other card. fine. sounds great to me. i will use it.
Now, I would say that when I have used the card to get cash back, I have been given a hard time about 90% of the time! No exaggeration!
This is my typical experience:
I press cash back, the cashier's drawer pops open. the cashier closes the drawer. hands me the receipt. (ususally with out saying "thank you") and I ask for my cash.
I am then told they "We don't do that here"
I have to then show them the receipt where it say "change or cash (or whatever it says) $20" and say that has been debited from my account at this point. and I would like it. And then I explain how this card is different than the other DR cards.
The cashier usually rolls her eyes, and shrugs her shoulders and says, nope, they don't do that.
Considering there is usually a line behind me, I am in a hurry, and frustrated that people don't know their stores own policy, I am getting mad.
I ask for the manager. It takes a few minutes for the manager to saunter up. He looks at the receipt, looks at my card and says "yeah, giver her the money"
and acts like "didn't you know?!?!" towards the cashier.
So yes, I got my money, after being put through the ringer. But honestly, can the managers explains this "new card" (which isn't even new!) to the cashiers?! If they know about it, they should tell the staff. Maybe someone in Corporate should send out a store wide communication so that I don't feel like I am committing a crime when I want $20 back.
oh, and is it too much for the cashiers to smile and say "hello/thank you"?
Thank you
man, it felt good to get that off of my chest!
good for you! i love writing seething letters to customer service!
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