you must be mistaken!

do you ever have something happen to you that can be potentialy bad or dangerous and you have horrible reflexes or reactions to the situation?
well, today, i was waiting out in shane's jeep as he stopped in the store. there was a guy crossing the street, in the middle of the street, while having a conversation on his bluetooth so he obviously wasn't really paying attention to what was going on around him.
the guy was getting close to shane's door but i just thought that he was just trying to stay out of traffic as he walked to his car. then, he opened shane's door and started to get in the seat! all while still having his conversation via the stupid bluetooth!
dude, a stranger just walked into my boyfriend's car while i am in it. and my first responce was, "excuse me!" i barely moved or tried to grab ... anything! i didn't even try to yell! my "gra the cell phone" responce didn't even happen!
luckily the guy was super embarassed and jumped out! "oh my god! sorry!" I watched him and he had the same jeep as shanes. so it was a very stupid accident.
the story was complete when he drove away, he honked and waved to apologize. someone wrote in the grime on his back window, "gaymen rule". sucker!
Labels: strange folks
OMG MOLLY!!! You better practice screaming or jumping out of the car! Next time you may not be so lucky!
That's scarry! I have an old-school policeman's night stick for just such an occasion. Bbut then again, I teach in the ghetto...
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