do you need a change?

this week's issue of new york magazine offers us an insightful list on 12 ways to remake your boring old self.
but, the suggestions were, well, boring! grow organic tomatoes upstate? become a nun?? save a kid??? come on!
i much rather liked gawker's suggestions:
1. Dramatically embellish your public persona
2. Shoot your friend in the face
3. Make as many sex tapes as possible
4. Be Gay
5. Adopt an Ethiopian lovechild
6. Convert to Scientology
7. Cut your hair like Mick Mars and get on the Cobrasnake
8. Regularly go into rehab
9. Grow a moustache
10. Stop eating
11. Fuck someone in Maroon 5
12. Get a STD test
but one of their "commenters" also had a nice list:
1. Cancel subscription to New York magazine
2. Replace roomate's psychotropic medication with Velamints
3. File restraining order against parents
4. Hang around Time Warner Center in assless chaps
5. If you're not a celebrity, hire a publicist. If you are a celebrity, fire your publicist. If you are a publicist, kill yourself.
6. Bring a transvestite hooker to your family's seder
7. Challenge Kimora Lee Simmons to a crazy-off
8. Answer a craigslist ad and propose to the person in the very first email. Even if they're just selling a table or something.
9. Just go ahead and switch to scotch. The vodka isn't fooling anyone in the office.
10. Send a valentine to Vincent Gallo
11. Move to Staten Island and wait for all your friends to visit
12. Bankroll Maer Roshan's next project
What would you recommend to change your boring life?
Fuck someone in Maroon 5?? No thanks. However, I rather liked the suggestion of marriage proposal via craigslist ad. I'm not much for achieving, but I think I could do that...
oh, i would so do the craiglist thing! goes along with my random dating antics!!!
so.....why is it that I have already done EVERYTHING on that gawker list.....except for the Maroon 5 thing....fuck that....
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