a resolution!

about a month ago, i did a post about how my friends and i had a coughing fit and started feeling sick while eating at pizza bar.
i neglected to say in the post that i actually called 311 when i got home to report the problem. i kinda felt bad calling in for a health inspection because i like pizza bar and don't really want to get them in trouble, but that night, we all thought we were being poisoned and i just wanted to protect the innocent!
so yes, i called 311, told them what happened and they said they would send me a copy of the results of the investigation in the mail in about a month.
i actually forgot about the whole thing ... and have been craving a cheeseburger pizza!
i was a little surprised to get this in the mail yesterday:

a letter from the new york city dept of heath; environmental investigations.
apparently they are the group that performs indoor air quality assessments, eg - carbon monoxide poisoning?????
so were we poisoned? will there be a lawsuit? maybe some big bucks for me?! shit, i kinda liked their pizza!
here were their findings:

basically, what happened is that they went to pizza bar on may 5th (nearly a month later!! to do an investigation. they talked to the manager who stated there was a problem in the restaurant 3-4 weeks ago where customers were coughing and the place had to be evacuated.
note: we were never told to evacuate the bar, we left when we realized we were just about the only people there and everyone else was outside.
apparently the fire department did respond that night. the fire dept discovered that the old homestead steakhouse, next door, released a pesticide bomb, which made its way into pizza bar.

the inspectors still checked for carbon monoxide and found nothing. no further action was needed.
well, those were good results:
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