hot enough for ya?

yeah, i know. it's becoming a joke to say that at this point. but it really is so fucking miserable outside!
it's 95 today but feels like 104. and i swear that it is even hotter than that!
so i am staying inside, loving my ac, listening to music, and blogging.
but seriously. we don't need anymore power outages in NY, so let's all try to conserve a little energy.
- turn off any unnecessary lights.
- set your ac to 78 and turn it off when you are not home.
- do your laundry in the evenings - after 11pm.
- stores as resturants should keep their doors as to no let out all the cool air.
Ugh, it's been too hot in Chi-Town too...
to hot to even blog!!
you are encouraging people not to go shopping... the numbers will go down. bad molly, bad. hah
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