random thoughts and observations.
every once in a while i feel the need to gather all of the strange things that cross my mind and then share them with you!
so here are this week's, in no particular order:

so here are this week's, in no particular order:
- do you notice that when ever you call your phone company (or any other place that needs to verify your phone number) they always say, "May I have your phone number, area code first." why do they have to say, "area code first"? who wouldn't give their area code first. are there people out there that say, "555-1234, area code 212" that doesn't even make sense! there is not phone number rhythm there! and with the amount of different area codes in single cities alone this day and age, you would have to be living in the middle of nowhere to think that someone would assume what your area code is!
- shane signed up for a new gmail account. he got an email back telling how you can use your cell phone to get messages. (like this is a new concept or something.) this is the picture showing how the messages would appear on your phone.

dude! this guys has some cool friends! they are all comin' back from hawaii, havin' parties, bbqs, dinners!! i wish i got emails like that! i checked my email this morning. 17 new messages. everything was junk! banana, the gap, shop bop, crate and barrel .... even the daily candies are as good as they used to be!
- everyone loves a freebie. urban outfitters has a cool feature on their website . they give away 5 songs a week compliments of emusic. they feature artists they play in their store. not bad at all!
Labels: ramblings
i agree...i always see that stupid gmail image and i'm like, who are these people and where can i get some!?
like the new pink background!
this new pink is kind of a mistake. i tried to update the template - messed it up and had to start from scratch.
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