Sunday, August 06, 2006

quite possibly the worst day of my life.

i had the worst freak out experice of my entire life yesterday.

i was at work and noticed i had a voice mail from my roommate/ land lord/ resident psycho bitch.

"hi molly, call me back as soon as you can. i was showing your apartment and millie ran out. i don't know where she went. i am inside now, but i am sure she will come back. call me back."


I was going crazy!

let me just break down this message and tell you everything that went wrong:

"hi molly, call me back as soon as you can. i was showing your apartment showing my apartment? to who? when did we discuss this? i though you were selling the building? aren't you supposed to give me notice if you are entering my apartment? and millie ran out. how does she just "run out" there are two doors she has to get past. i don't know where she went. THEN START LOOKING!!!! i am inside now, excuse me .... INSIDE !! GET OFF THE PHONE AND LOOK! but i am sure she will come back. what?!?! my dog is not some cats that just romes around. she runs and runs fast! i live between two busy streets, will she be hit by a car? snatched up by a stranger? lost?!?!. call me back."

there was a 2nd message though. this time she said she found millie, she is fine and not to worry.

oh, gee, thanks. i got over my heart attack now. but it didn't end there. i called her up and let her have it like i have never screamed at someone before. why would she just go in my apartment? she never discussed showing my apartment to anyone. i am moving at the end of the month - and thank god. i can't wait to be away from this inconsiderate, crazy woman. but doesn't a tenant have the right to be informed by the landlord when they are entering the building?

when i got home i gave millie the biggest hugs i ever could. she is my angel! i think she probably saw the homeless guy down on 4th ave and realized that she couldn't live that life. she needs her special pillow, yummy treats, her favorite bone, air conditioning, and cuddling at night.




Blogger Matt Brand said...

What would the "lost" posters have looked like?

12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somehow I just can't see millie sleeping under the New York Times in an old refrigerator box!

2:09 PM  
Blogger molly said...

the lost posters would have been all smeared and crinkled from the tears falling from my eyes.

millie wouldn't have been in an old refrigerator box - she would have been eating a feast out of a garbage bin!

6:33 PM  
Blogger pinknest said...

where did she go?!?

8:42 AM  
Blogger molly said...

i don't know, and the subject will never be brought up with psycho again. i was too upset to even talk about it!

11:09 AM  
Blogger Christine said...

Oh boy. My heart was racing just reading that. What a scare...I'd of let her have it too. I thought the same thing as I was reading it...WHY ARE YOU INSIDE??? Find the freaking dog!

Glad to hear it all worked out!

10:11 PM  

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