weekend round-up!
i just got over a well deserved 3-day weekend!! there was so much to do!!
i know you all are dying to find out what i did!!!
my weekend started on thursday night. the specimen played at don hills. i arrived a little late so i didn't get quite as many pictures as normal. (please feel free to refer to pinknest for additional photos!)

a blurry photo. so artistic!!

anita and i

michael and i doing our best vincent dinofrio impressions!!

too sexy!

hey mon!
as always ... great show, matt!
i spent friday afternoon visiting britt and brecken!
brecken is 6 months old now and is growing up so fast! he smiles, laughs, and is trying hard to walk! plus he was sooo excited to see me !!!!

those cheeks!!!

stand up there, kiddo!

baby and mom.
on friday night, we went to the new opaline for the record release party of amanda lepore and cazwell.

i don't go to those big sweaty, multi-level, clubs, with the long coat check lines, and all of the underage kids any more. i felt a little old ... until the music started playing!!!

how crazy that i immediately ran into dunbar and andrew!!

the first half hour or so, anita tried to get in touch with brooke and describe where we were via text messaging.
then brooke arrived ...

cazwell and amanda performed! i couldn't get any good pictures though. but amanda's hair looked fierce!!

love the swag!

matt rocks out ...

boys make out!
time to dance!!!

there were other pictures ... but they were a little NSFW!! if you really want to view my "wardrobe malfunction" go check out my flickr photoset.
not much happened ... slept in quite a bit ... walked millie ... pretty much a lazy day - and i loved it!
ok, this was the last day of my long weekend so i had to live it up!
i wanted to eat brunch at my favorite spot here, in park slope, Beso. they have the best french toast ever!! yuummmm! but i slept late and didn't have time to go. (they ususally have an outrageous line there.) so i called for take-out! i could eat my french toast in my pyjamas!
now these pictures look a little gross, but you have to imagine the gooey chocolate in betwen the 2 thick slices of bread with the plaintains on top!!! heaven!

after laying around some more, i met Jaymonde at the south street seaport to see the Bodies Exhibition.

it was fascinating! not as disgusting as i thought it would be. but leave it up to jaymonde and i to notice and wonder about the most random things. for example, you could still see little anus hairs on the dead bodies! (yep, we checked!), and how do they transport the bodies without all of the bones and veins and things falling apart??
unfortunately, no photos allowed. so sad. bloggers and photogs who visit all need a moment to get themselves together when this is learned. what to do?!?!
moving on ...
the nailbiters where playing at the mercury lounge at night, so gabe watched brecken (thank you!!!) so that britt could come out to the show!! you know it has been quite awhile since she has gone out with out a baby!

britt and i!!

jordi came out too!
some nailbiter action shots ...

(check out more nailbiter photos here!!!)

the nailbiters make me go crazy!!!

britt has a halo!

good show, dave. i'm drunk now.

the absolute last photo of the night. bad times only to follow ... lets just say, i should have had more to eat on than just the french toast on sunday ....
what a way to end the weekend!
i know you all are dying to find out what i did!!!
my weekend started on thursday night. the specimen played at don hills. i arrived a little late so i didn't get quite as many pictures as normal. (please feel free to refer to pinknest for additional photos!)

a blurry photo. so artistic!!

anita and i

michael and i doing our best vincent dinofrio impressions!!

too sexy!

hey mon!
as always ... great show, matt!
i spent friday afternoon visiting britt and brecken!
brecken is 6 months old now and is growing up so fast! he smiles, laughs, and is trying hard to walk! plus he was sooo excited to see me !!!!

those cheeks!!!

stand up there, kiddo!

baby and mom.
on friday night, we went to the new opaline for the record release party of amanda lepore and cazwell.

i don't go to those big sweaty, multi-level, clubs, with the long coat check lines, and all of the underage kids any more. i felt a little old ... until the music started playing!!!

how crazy that i immediately ran into dunbar and andrew!!

the first half hour or so, anita tried to get in touch with brooke and describe where we were via text messaging.
then brooke arrived ...

cazwell and amanda performed! i couldn't get any good pictures though. but amanda's hair looked fierce!!

love the swag!

matt rocks out ...

boys make out!
time to dance!!!

there were other pictures ... but they were a little NSFW!! if you really want to view my "wardrobe malfunction" go check out my flickr photoset.
not much happened ... slept in quite a bit ... walked millie ... pretty much a lazy day - and i loved it!
ok, this was the last day of my long weekend so i had to live it up!
i wanted to eat brunch at my favorite spot here, in park slope, Beso. they have the best french toast ever!! yuummmm! but i slept late and didn't have time to go. (they ususally have an outrageous line there.) so i called for take-out! i could eat my french toast in my pyjamas!
now these pictures look a little gross, but you have to imagine the gooey chocolate in betwen the 2 thick slices of bread with the plaintains on top!!! heaven!

after laying around some more, i met Jaymonde at the south street seaport to see the Bodies Exhibition.

it was fascinating! not as disgusting as i thought it would be. but leave it up to jaymonde and i to notice and wonder about the most random things. for example, you could still see little anus hairs on the dead bodies! (yep, we checked!), and how do they transport the bodies without all of the bones and veins and things falling apart??
unfortunately, no photos allowed. so sad. bloggers and photogs who visit all need a moment to get themselves together when this is learned. what to do?!?!
moving on ...
the nailbiters where playing at the mercury lounge at night, so gabe watched brecken (thank you!!!) so that britt could come out to the show!! you know it has been quite awhile since she has gone out with out a baby!

britt and i!!

jordi came out too!
some nailbiter action shots ...

(check out more nailbiter photos here!!!)

the nailbiters make me go crazy!!!

britt has a halo!

good show, dave. i'm drunk now.

the absolute last photo of the night. bad times only to follow ... lets just say, i should have had more to eat on than just the french toast on sunday ....
what a way to end the weekend!