Friday, March 31, 2006

in case you're wondering ...

hey folks,
sorry that i haven't been blogging much lately ... i haven't been doing much to blog about!!! work has consumed me that past 2 weeks. and if i haven't been at work, i have been sleeping.

but here is a little run down of my eventful week (or 2!):

  • i have missed 2 specimen shows! this is unheard of!

  • i missed the nailbitters show .... bad friend!

  • i got a new computer desk. i'm not really sure if i like it yet. it doesn't "feel" right. maybe that is getting in the way of my blogging!

  • oh, yeah, i did do something. ryan and i went out one night to scam some free appatizers and drinks from B Bar! sweet! and we feel in love with a beautiful guy. we didn't know if he was gay or straight. go figure, he plays for the other team! what a waste!!!

  • and yesterday, i rushed home from work to find out that millie ate an entire bag of easter chocolate!! baaaadddd!!!!. not only did she eat the chocolate, she ate the tin foil wrapped around each chocolate egg! i was freaking out! not so concerned about the chocoate, but the foil! long story short, i had to induce vomiting - lovely - then watch her for awile. when i came home later that evening, she was jumping all over the place, totally fine. that dog has a stomache of steel! she can eat anything! i think she just wanted me to come home from work yesterday and hang with her.

so that's about it! let's make some plans!!!

Monday, March 27, 2006

head gear.

ok ok ! i think i figured it out!

if you wanna go to misshapes, you need to wear this:

photo credit to misshapes

sweaty, sweatbands. cool.

if you wanna go to tiswas, you should go in this direction:

photo credit to pinknest

missoni scarves! fancy!
(note the the two chicks in the front)

hmmm ... what should i do next saturday? i should plan my outfit now.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

celebrity dogs.

and no, i don't mean the cute, fuzzy ones stuffed in tote bags!

now, i don't have tons of money, but i guess i just care about my shoes more that some celebrities out there.

case study #1
this one is easy. i am so sick of seeing these damn chunky flip flops! who ever said they were a good idea?!

photo credit to

find out who is wearing these nasty shoes here.

case study #2
i guess, just because you have money, doesn't mean you use any of it to buy new shoes or let alone, shine up the ones you have!

photo credit to,

and who needs to find a cobbler? check it out!
and to think they showed up to fashion week looking like this! for shame!

case study #3
this one takes the cake! (and kinda makes me puke a little in my mouth)

photo credit to pink is the new blog.

look at those blue claws!

can you guess who it is??

do this.

yes kiddies, it's time for another nailbiters show!

join the boys on sunday, march 26th ... umm, yeah! that's tonight!!

Pete’s Candy Store
Sunday, March 26
709 Lorimer Street
W’burg, Brooklyn
Free 21+ w/ID

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

for the love of the game.

after all of the video game playing this past weekend, i could feel the addiction coming on ... i needed more galaga ... and i needed it fast!
well, you might have seen those video game systems sold in the malls where you get basically a remote control, plug it into your tv, and you have like 800 old school video games at your finger tips!!

i broke down. i needed it. i wanted galaga! (and pac man, and super mario brothers, and donkey kong!!!)

so jordi and i went to the kiosk in the altantic center mall (aka Target Heaven) on sunday to check it out. the dude wanted $45 for the system and i decided to try to talk him down. jordi decided the games could be fun so she also wanted one. he finally went for $75 total if we each got one. deal.

i was soooo excited to get home and plug it into my tv!!

you're jealous of my "power player" aren't ya?!?!

all you had to do was plug the joystick into the a/v plugs in your tv. easy, right??


i plugged in every plug, in every possible combination, tried all of the channels. nothin'.

i was so upset! i wanted instant gratification!

i had to bring the damn game back.
the same guy happened to be there. he showed me that it worked in his tv (probably rigged) and told me to try again. (ps, NO REFUNDS!!!)

i brought it home again. for some reason, i had this new hope. this could be the day!

but once again, nothing.
then i accidentally pushed this button on my remote that i had never used before ...

**note my ghetto remote! no fancy, shmancy tv for me!!

but then .. ta- dahh!! it worked!!!!!

look at all of the games i can play!

so, um, don't bother calling for awhile. i might be a little busy ...

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mark your calendars

wanna get with this ...

then you gotta do this ...

who: the specimen
where: otto's shrunkin head
when: wed, march 22nd at 10pm

you will dance to this ...

see ya there.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

and now is the time when we dance.

saturday night was all about dancing!

the plan was to go to mehanata, the bulgarian culture club, but the original location was closed for renovations. so the party was being held at maia mehane. not quite the same, anita and matt pointed out, but it was still fun!

lauren was ready to get the party dancin'.

here she is, russian style. i missed the photo op of her "butter the bread" dance moves.

not quite sure what ben was doing here!

stop ... the ... clapping!!! ahhhh!!!

anita didn't have her hair in an up-do because the party felt like some eastern european wedding, but because it was hot inside!

matt tries to turn on the ceiling fan to cool things off.

yeah, ummm, ben and lisa were getting hot too!
(ben wouldn't take off his jacket because his shirt underneath was "dorky". we all didn't really understand what that ment!)

ha ha! we caught you guys!

matt thought that was funny.

and lauren felt slightly molested!

everyone is giddy!

the clapping never ends!

this guy was amazing!!!

lovin' his shirt!

i loved watching this little grandma dance! she didn't stop!

gene and beth dancing!

ahhh yes. how could i leave out my sweaty new friend! this is yemit (i think!) or who anita likes to refer to as thor! he was visiting NY from turkey. the best thing he did all night was to translate the "kiss kiss" turkish song!
(and to all of you goofies who are wondering... NO, i did not give or get a number!!! who do you think i am!!!)

the belly dancer, out of costume.

then we meet up with michael at motor city.

that turned into some heated ms. pacman and galaga games!

note the ending scores of ms. pacman.
i was player 1 on the left. anita's score is on the right. she rocks!

but just try to take me on for a game of galaga!!!

let's celebrate!

on friday night we celebrated hayden's birthday!

the night began at secrets on the far west side.

hayden says, "ahoy, matey!"

let me take a moment to tell a quick story about this special day. i basically ruined hayden's birthday by writing "dear *someone else*" on his birthday card!!! i don't know what they hell i was thinking ! i am such a looser! and i never even knew that i made the mistake unitl hayden brought it to my attention late into the evening. so sorry!

and ryan was dressed the part!

"like!! myspace!!"

ryan loves himself!

hayden does his best imitation of ongina

joe and sean.

lisa and chris. vishhh

hayden and i. note, ryan posing in the background. "stop the flashes!!"

dunbar and i say "shhhh!! we're at secrets!!!"

someone at the bar. nice.

i needed to save the seats.

lisa and i made friends with the bouncer. he said his name is "juan carlos". he told us he is gay, but he sure loves some titties!!
(picture has been cropped to prtotect the innocent lisa!

so we all left ... but shhhh!!! it's a secret!!

half of the crew jumps in the first cab, and is, luckily, led by jesus!!

cab photo!!!

and on to the next loccation...

we head to luke and leroy's where the party tonight is mondo.

and we danced!

since i was (naturally!) taking so many pictures, these dorky guys were asking to be in the photos too.

i told them i was the cobra snake! they had no clue what i was talking about!

haja dances!

the dj's are having fun too!

me and hyden.
lookin' a little sweaty, hayden!

ryan's leaving. byeeee!!!

more vishhhh.

what's so funny, lis?? are you laughing at my "not without my daughter" imitation?/
(photo of me only available upon request!)

something tells me lisa is done for the night!

haja does some wall dancing, inspired with some st. patricks day decor.

strike a pose.

night! happy happy, hayden!